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In the field of professional casino products, MING Is equipments have been regarded as the best for more than 20 years since 1978. Competition has not affected the quality and popularity, and the reputation has been spread to many parts of the world. We specialize in manufacture of professional casino table accessories, and we principally take care of Blackjack, Baccarat, Poker, Roulette, Craps, Pai-Gow, Keno, and many kinds of table game accessories, like brass and stainless steel drink holder and ashtray, security drop boxes and tip boxes, dealer shoes, clay chips, chip tray, poker chip set, casino dice, cutting card, quality roulette balls, wheel checks, and solid brass win markers...etc.                                We are able to supply with any kind of equipment relating to gaming table according to a customer’s project. In our service you could submit some new ideas which will be converted into the final innovative product, which can improve the value of the game table, and also your companys good reputation. From the raw material, through a strict production process, we can obtain the finished quality product, and finally with the professional delivery services, you are going to have such as works of art like a perfect service experience, also to make a successful business to operate more smoothly.
Nobel Biocare is the world leader in innovative esthetic dental solutions and a one-stop-shop for restorative esthetic dentistry, offering a wide range of innovative Crown Bridge Implant products, as well as training education and clinically documented treatment concepts. Our solutions enable dental specialists, general practitioners and dental technicians to offer patients high esthetic new teeth.
尚宏化工有限公司為專門環保塗料製造公司。本公司是專業從事環保水基塗料和各類塗料,各類木製家具和產品塗料。如:NC漆,聚氨酯塗料,丙烯酸塗料。我們成立於1972年,在台灣嘉義當地經營超過30年頭,並且擴展其業務觸角在中國,香港,越南,泰國和其他國家。我們擁有第二生產基地於中國,深圳廠與香港業務分公司。 現在,我們正在尋找新的市場和新的潛在客戶於台灣/美國/歐洲。如果你有興趣,請不要猶豫與我們聯繫!我們保證尚宏化工為您提供了最好的環保塗料。 San Hon Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. is an exclusively paint-manufacturing company. The company is professional in making water base environmental paint and various kinds of paint for all kind of wood furniture and products. like:NC lacquer, Polyurethane coatings, acrylic coating. We was established in 1972 and local in Chia-Yi, Taiwan over the last 30 years, San Hon Chemical has extended its business over China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Thailand, and other countries. We also has an affiliate plant in Shen-Zhen, China, and one branch in Hong Kong . Now we are looking for new markets and new potential customer over the U.S. Europe and Taiwan. If you are interested join our company. please do not hesitate to contact with us! We guarantee that SAN HON gives you the best environment paint of the world.
金立洋企業有限公司成立於1985年,公司主要為設計及生產製造「電子音樂塑膠玩具」,近年來更將產品研發方向擴展至「消費性電子產品」。在台灣,我們除了有貿易接單的『業務部門』,負責將產品行銷及銷售至世界各地外,亦有陣容堅強的『研發設計部門』,專門負責從事新品及高科技產品之研發設計。 為了在市場上更具競爭力,公司將勞力密集之『生產製造部門』設立於中國大陸廣東省深圳市,從研發設計到生產出貨都是由公司一貫作業完成,對於品質及交貨都能完全符合客戶及市場要求。 我們的產品遍及世界各地並廣受好評,每位兒童在與D.J.TOYS互動的同時,除了得到樂趣之外,更能從中得到啟發性之教育功能,是我們一貫理念與宗旨。 本公司所有產品皆符合CE認證、RoHs標準,產品通過EN71 / EMC / EN62115 或EN50088測試,且自2004年起大陸深圳工廠成為第14個ICTI認證的工廠。 一、我們的經營理念----誠信為首、務實優先;創新突破 放眼未來。 二、我們的核心價值觀----創造價值、回饋社會。 三、我們的企業經營信條----信譽為本、質量為先;共同成長、創造未來。 四、我們的經營成功要素---找對目標、用對方法、下定決心、堅持到底;肯定自己、欣賞別人、同心協力、追求卓越。 五、我們的企業使命-----創新產品、領導潮流、營造兒童快樂天堂。 六、我們的企業精神----化不可能為可能;Impossible→I’m possible。 七、我們的服務理念----提供全方位的完善服務(設計、生產、銷售、信息反饋),讓顧客滿意。 八、我們的企業口號----努力、努力、再努力;用心、用心、再用心。 九、幹部必備的條件----一能二識三心;工作技能;專業知識、法規知識;責任心、提攜心、進取心。 十、我們的工作精神----沒有最好、只有更好。 DJ TOYS Philosophy Our aim is to make toys which are developmentally appropriate to help child make connections in the developing brain. We design toys to help parents and children enjoy playtimes together as one western saying A family that plays together stays together. Milestone 1983 Established in Taiwan 1985 D.J. Logo registered 1993 China factory set up in Shenzhen 2000 Product E70 won Toy Design Award 2000 Products distributed to world-known retailers TRU, Walmart, KB Toys, Woolworth … etc. 2001 Work with TOHO on OEM project in Japanese market 2001 Work with Simba, one of the biggest importers in European market 2004 Product EA1 won Toy Design Award 2004 Work with Bontempi, one of the biggest importers in European market, on license project 2004 Headquarter moved to Taichung 2004 The 14th member awarded with ICTI certificate 2006 Product PR63 won another Toy Design Award 2007 Managing Director, Sherry Lo, appointed as the Supervisor at Taiwan Toy Manufacturers’ Association Moved to new factory in Shenzhen,China 得獎記錄 2000/2002/2005/2006/2007年 榮獲玩具設計優良獎 公司網址 http://www.djtoys.com.tw
老牛皮國際乃是達達企業集團轉投資的事業體之一,成立於1996年,自創 La new 品牌,聘請義大利設計師設計具現代潮流,款式新穎且符合人體工學,穿起來舒適、健康的氣墊鞋,堅守純正牛皮、純手工,一針一線絕不放鬆的精神,以精密的二道手工縫法的要求與俐落,一氣呵成的鞋緣完美折線,呈現La new休閒鞋簡約的線條美感,及優雅、沉穩又輕鬆、親切的風格,實現-賦予鞋底藝術-的自我使命。目前全省已有152家直營門市。 達達企業集團乃是成立於1981年,以玩具、禮品、文具(金屬筆)、廚房五金用品、兒童用品、小家電、家庭劇院組及內投影顯示器等製造行銷全球,並以創新、品質、彈性享譽全界。1990年在美、墨邊界加工出口區設立15000坪製造工廠,專業電器用品及玩具製造並行銷美墨市場及台灣地區,並在中國寧波設立15000坪生產工廠。由於隨著公司的業務擴展國內廠房不敷使用,乃於1997年於汐止購置3000坪空間作為總公司辦公及倉儲之用。並於2004年成立光電公司,投入光電科技產業,以台灣為研發中心。 老年皮公司延續達達一貫企業經營理念,對未來發展一直秉持未雨綢繆的思考,1999年市場發展策略先期以擴大及鞏固市場銷售網為主,並計劃性開放生產皮鞋以充實產品線,讓消費者對La new 產品有更多選擇,相信以老牛皮公司完善的企業組織、規模與實力,必定會有更大的突破。 在2004年初,La new公司取得職棒球隊-Lanew熊的經營權,並且以澄清湖棒球場為主場,投入時間與精力經營球場與球隊,讓澄清湖球場夜間景色迷人,截至年底,熊隊球迷已經倍速成長。 La New不只關心您的雙腳健康,更秉持樂活的企業理念,成立那米哥事業體,包括Lamigo婚宴廣場、Lamigo休閒會館、Lamigo旅行社,為您的生活灌注滿滿的健康活力!
ANGEL NEW ERA為NEW ERA授權台灣合法正規經銷商店、MLB合法經銷商店,門市專賣MLB大聯盟商品及流行服飾
Ernst Rudolf Erni founded the company in Switzerland in 1947. In 1956, ERNI began manufacturing electromechanical components in Adelberg, Germany. In 1968, ERNI Electronics GmbH became the world’s first manufacturer of backplane connectors that complied with the new standard DIN 41612. The new standard DIN 41612 has evolved into the most widely accepted standard for industrial printed-circuit board connectors in the world. Today, ERNI is the leading supplier of 2mm HM connectors and HM-ZD high-speed connectors. ERNI has established its Asian headquarter in Singapore since 1996 and opened up sales offices in major cities like Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Seoul and Bangalore. 1999 - Set up Taiwan Representative Office 2000 - Set up Korea Representative Office 2001 - ERNI started third party manufacturing in China & Taiwan 2002 - Set up Shenzhen Representative Office 2003 - Set up Shanghai Representative Office 2004 - Set up Beijing & Japan Representative Office; Increase design in capabilities & capacities 2007 - Set up India Representative Office 2009 - Set up Thailand Representative Office
NEW Hair美村店民國100年5月開幕!!! 尋找對美髮有高度熱誠工作伙伴<設計師 助理 學徒> 歡迎新進設計師及助理,須有活力衝勁,肯挑戰新事物,對美有獨特見解及眼光,希望全方位美髮彩妝及整體造型發展的設計師,對於公司制度及對美學想法一致,為自己技術增進及理念而共同努力目標的設計師
NEW HAIR SALON 【品牌已成立了3年】 定期與知名藝人合作 我們正在逐步擴大組織版圖 如果你也喜歡在創作設計上發光發熱 我們提供完善的教育制度,提供穩定的客源與收入 更棒的是專為夥伴設計的福利保證與舒適環境 有系統的教育體系和互相分享的教育資源 我們不只是教導美髮師技術上的知識 也對他們的工作態度,領導能力,口才,行銷技巧,有所訓練, 之前我們曾經有位新的夥伴剛加入, 兩個月前從零開始,兩個月後 業績已經突破十萬,經過團隊適當的引導,帶領,教導 一年的時間已突破二五萬業績來, 我們相信一個人的成功是需要有團隊來引導,要有對的舞台來發揮, 我們相信一定可以幫你變成一位 【成功的設計師】 除了以上的保證 最重要的是 能讓新的一年’’ 勇敢實現夢想 ’’ 開始 歡迎你來電與我們聊聊! (03)- 3326668 ken肯
熱情活潑、 服務熱忱、 有責任感的人, 歡迎加入我們. New鮮茶 高雄市軍校路44號
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